Tap to track your activities

Revolutionise your productivity, understand your habits, and hold yourself accountable.

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The best time and habit tracker

Track your time and habits with a tap. Easily start recent activities with quick start. Choose from a number of built in activities or add your own.

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Get insight into your life

See how you spend your time on a day-to-day basis with week in pixels. See your top ten activities.

Your days at a glance

Quickly see what you did yesterday or last week with days. Scroll through the timeline or jump to a specific date with the calendar.

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Explore your data with charts and graphs

See your last two weeks stacked with the stacked bar chart. Compare today to yesterday and this week to last week.

Deep dive into activities

See how much time you spend on an activity day-to-day with with week in pixels and a line chart. Compare today to yesterday, this week to last week, and see your all time stats.

And more...

Dark mode

Apple/Google sign in

Cross platform

Cloud storage

Location enabled

Frequent updates

Download now!